vChain: A Blockchain System Ensuring Query Integrity

Haixin Wang, Cheng Xu, Ce Zhang, and Jianliang Xu


This demonstration presents vChain, a blockchain system that ensures query integrity. With the proliferation of blockchain applications and services, there has been an increasing demand for querying the data stored in a blockchain database. However, existing solutions either are at the risk of losing query integrity, or require users to maintain a full copy of the blockchain database. In comparison, by employing a novel verifiable query processing framework, vChain enables a lightweight user to authenticate the query results returned from a potentially untrusted service provider. We demonstrate its verifiable query operations, usability, and performance with visualization for better insights. We also showcase how users can detect falsified results in the case that the service provider is compromised.
Conference paper
In Proceedings of the 2020 ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD ’20)
June 2020
Demo Paper